We Build What We Sell
We’ve taken manufacturing to a new level with automated machinery and well planned systems. Rolling shutters, exterior screens, interior screens and specialty projects all have well established processes and equipment. We have over 25 years of manufacturing experience and it shows in every screen and shutter we produce. We control the product quality and our standards are high. We constantly evolve and improve our product lines for our customers. We use fabric, electronics, slat and components from the best suppliers in our industry. We use companies we can trust so when we put our stamp on the finished product you can trust it’s the best retractable product on the market.

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Manufacturing Equipment
Powder Coating Line
We have our own electro-static heat cured powder coating line at the shutter facility. We cut and rack the raw aluminum extrusions. The racks go into an eco-friendly acid bath for cleaning and come out through a metal bonding sealer. The racks are then put in a spray booth where colored powder is electro-statically charged and bonds to the negatively charged aluminum. The powdered rack is baked at 400 degrees until the powder cures. This process yields a durable finish which exceeds the most vigorous powder testing standards including 2000 salt spray testing and boil testing.
Shutter Mat Machine
The mat machine is a computerized automated machine that takes bundles of shutter slat and assembles them into a finished shutter mat. Using pneumatics and laser optics, the machine draws the slat in, cuts, plugs, staples and rolls out a finished mat ready for loading into the housing.
Guide Rail Drilling Machine
Each guide rail for shutters or screens needs to have mounting holes predrilled before installation. This new machine can drill 5 top holes and 5 bottom holes simultaneously saving time and money.
Computerized Fabric Plotter/Cutter
Fabric panels are laid out and cut in minutes on this machine. The software maximizes cuts and reduces waste. The machine cuts to within 3 thousandths of an inch so panels are straight and square every time.
Impulse Fabric Seam Welder
This year we moved up from a five foot RF welder to a 20 foot impulse welder. The results are fabric seams that are smooth and much stronger. This machine also automatically folds and welds the material to make pockets for weights and bottom bars.