For the residents of Arizona, solar screens are somewhat of a godsend when it comes to fully enjoying their outdoor space, like a patio or porch. But, there are a number of homeowners that are skeptical about solar screens as many of the benefits they provide seem to be good to be true. But, the team here at Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens is here to help those skeptical homeowners in letting them know that solar screens are really that good! In this post from the Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens, we’ll shed some light on the benefits of solar screens and how they can help improve your outdoor living areas.
Our Solar Screens Block 95% Of Radiant Heat
As the name suggests, solar screens were invented for the purpose of blocking the heat and UV rays of the sun. With solar screens from Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens, you’re getting the ultimate solution to cooling down your porch and patio. As soon as our Tucson solar screens are deployed, you’ll see the difference immediately. There is a dramatic heat reduction in porches or patios with our solar screens deployed, and also an increase in the effectiveness of fans and outdoor evaporative coolers. With our solar screens, your porch or patio will be cool enough to spend countless hours with friends and family, no matter the time of year.
Another benefit of the heat reduction that our screens provide is that it stops heat that would have made it into your home, as well. As radiant heat beats down on windows and doors, it makes its way into the interior and makes it hotter, especially on bright and sunny days. When our retractable solar screens are deployed, you can expect the inside of your home to be cooler as well.
Increase Your Privacy & Preserve Your Outward View
Another common use for our solar screens is their ability to increase your privacy. Here at Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens, we commonly refer to our solar screens as “solution screens” because they do much more than just block out the sun. With our solution screens, you can rest easy knowing that no nosey neighbor or passerby will be peeking into how you’re spending time on your porch or patio. If your home experiences a lot of nearby foot traffic, this is probably a common problem for you and your family.
But, what makes our solution screens really special is that they don’t block your view outwards. While looking in will appear dark and nearly impossible to fully make out, you’ll still be able to enjoy the view of your backyard or front yard fully. What’s more is that our solution screens also reduce glare, so many times you’ll find that your solar screen from Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens is actually improving your view outwards. Increase the privacy of your outdoor areas while preserving the view with solution screens from Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens.
Our Solution Screens Keep Pests Out & Keep Pets In
With the patented Tucson Adjustable Bottom Bar, you can considerably reduce the presence of insects, rodents, and other pests that would try to make your outdoor area their home. What makes the Tucson Adjustable Bottom Bar unique is its patented adjustable feature, which allows the screen to close entirely on patio slopes up to 2-½” tall. If you find yourself frequently eating or preparing food in your outdoor area, this feature is especially helpful. Thanks to the Tucson Adjustable Bottom Bar, even the peskiest pests won’t be able to find their way into your outdoor area levels. In areas where you think solar screens may not work well due to unlevel ground or patio slopes, the Tucson Adjustable Bottom Bar creates a seal with the screen and the floor. No matter what angle your outdoor area is on, solar screens from Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens can provide it with complete protection from pests.
Another benefit of the Tucson Adjustable Bottom Bar is that the seal it creates is often strong enough to keep pets in. Unless you have a particularly large and intelligent dog, pets will be forced to stay within the constraints of your outdoor area. This way you don’t have to worry about Spot or Fluffy taking off the moment you turn your head. With solar screens from Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens, you can turn your outdoor area into a true extension of your home.
Looking For Solar Screens In Tucson or Phoenix? Trust Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens
At Tucson Rolling Shutters & Screens, we proudly offer rolling shutters, window shades, and solar screens in Tucson, AZ, as well as many of the cities in between. We’re the top choice in the state of Arizona for exteriors and interior home improvements products like solar screens, rolling shutters, and window shades. Contact us today to learn more about our products and get a free estimate, or visit one of our showroom locations to see our products in action.